March 1, 2017
Rebecca W. Watkin Scholarship 2017-2018
Program Objectives:
The vision of EAH Housing is of balanced communities comprised of people of many income levels, educational backgrounds, job skills, religions, and races, with affordable housing available for all. We believe this balance enhances the quality and richness of all our lives. To that end, we at EAH constantly strive to support the residents of our communities in the pursuit of their dreams. Our scholarship program is a way to support and provide opportunities to students who have a desire to increase their level of education. The goal of the EAH Housing Scholarship Fund is to help support students through the duration of their college experience.
- Students must be current residents of an EAH Housing property
- First-time applicants must have been a high school student in the last year or be a current high school senior, and enroll at an accredited college, university, technical or trade school
- Students must enroll in a minimum of 12 units or equivalent full-time status based on individual school policy per semester/term during the academic year for which they are requesting funding
- Students must have received a high school diploma or GED
- GPA Requirement: No requirement for first-time applicants and 2.5 for continuing applicants.
Candidates who meet all the above criteria and successfully submit their complete application on time may be asked to participate in an interview with the EAH Scholarship Committee over the phone via Skype (if available). Interviews will take place during the last full week of May each year. Continuing applicants may be requested to attend another interview.
Application Deadline:
All applications must be postmarked or received by the EAH Scholarship Committee no later than April 15th to be eligible for consideration.
The amount and number of awards is at the discretion of the EAH Scholarship Committee and will be determined by the number of applicants and the amount in the scholarship fund each year.
Questions may be directed to Cathy Macy at (415) 258-1800. Please visit the FAQs to see if your questions have already been answered.
CLICK HERE to download the Scholarship Application