Dublin, California, March 2010 – Before moving into Camellia Place in Dublin, CA, the Colbert Family lived with their three children in a small apartment in a dangerous neighborhood. Although he worked full time, Carlton Colbert struggled to find quality housing for his family in the Bay Area.
For years, the Colberts lived in an apartment whose owner neglected the property; their unit was overrun with mold, leading to multiple bouts of pneumonia. Alongside health risks, the surrounding neighborhood was high in crime and the family frequently heard gunshots – confining the Colberts to the tight quarters of their two-bedroom apartment.
When Carlton and Kathy heard about the opening of Camellia Place in 2007, they jumped on the opportunity. With easy access to public transportation, good schools and a secure neighborhood, this new home has allowed the Colberts to start a new chapter in their family’s life.
Once unable to have family dinners due to lack of space, the Colbert family now shares dinnertime together – a new tradition reflecting their renewed sense of family and community. Serene (now 14) and Jonathan (now 13) can walk in their neighborhood without fear. Jonathan has many friends in the complex, all of whom enjoy the playground located in Camellia Place’s courtyard. Kathy, a full-time mother, has neighbors who help her with her youngest, Jeremiah – an autistic three-year old who needs specialized care. Carlton’s business has also exponentially expanded since the move. As Kathy says, “Everything in our lives has fallen into place after moving. Before, we lived under horrible circumstances. Now, I first and foremost have a wonderful home but it’s also a place I can afford.”